Over the last year there have been many events and evenings held at the church. We have introduced regular outings, which we hope will continue. This gives people the opportunity to further develop, and understand the different aspects of spiritualism. These will be highlighted further on.
We have now extended our healing to include Friday afternoons as well as our regular healing on Saturday morning and Sunday evening after service. Alongside these, we also offer complimentary therapies; full details are included within this newsletter
We held our Annual General Meeting on October 31st and are delighted to introduce to you: our trustees Averil Parsons, Terry Tasker, Gladys Ottewell, Jean Dixon and our committee members Sarah Young, Mary Whawell, Sheila Thomas, Dean Appleton and Sue Ogilvie.
Fundraising Events
Sheila French, from Ermanstar training, her tutors and students came to the church in May to demonstrate their spiritual gifts. The students offered private readings during the day. In the evening there was a demonstration of clairvoyance by the tutors and students. The day was a real success. These days are a popular and regular event in the church calendar.
In July we held our Fish & Chips psychic supper, again this proved to be a popular event. The feedback from everyone was lovely so thank you for all who came and supported us and for the mediums that worked so hard.
In August we held another very successful Summer Fayre which included a variety of different therapies, goods on sales and readings, of course not forgetting the scrumptious home-made cakes that went perfect with a cup of tea!
We recently had our Harvest Festival, thanks to all those that brought in produce for the auction that was held after service. A special thank you to Roy, our regular auctioneer at this event, for all his hard work.
The Halloween Celebration this year was another Fish and Chip Psychic supper. In response to popular demand our psychic suppers have become a regular feature of the church calendar. Huge thanks to Sheila who cooked the Fish and Chips at the church and to order! Everyone enjoyed the food very much. Thanks also to all who provided the Halloween decorations, everyone who supported us and especially to our mediums. A great evening was had by all.
A special thank you to Linda for running the raffle each week at our divine Service. She works tirelessly at this and provides many of the prizes herself. She has managed to double the amount of money raised from the raffle in the last year. Well done Linda!
Thanks also go to Ann Daws for her continuing support to our funding efforts. Ann offers regular readings and kindly donates the money from these to the church.
All the funds raised this year are towards church improvements. These include new windows and doors, flooring and a disabled toilet. The applications for permission for the doors and windows are currently with Shepway council. This process has been both long and complicated! An application has been submitted to Hythe Town Council for the disabled toilet.
Special Occasions
We would like to introduce our newest and youngest member of the Church Elijah Christopher Young who was born on 4th March, well done to Sarah his proud mum – he has already attended two church services bless him!
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Grogan aka Kirsty and Matt who tied the knot at our church on 29th April and best wishes for the future.
We wish are very own ‘Golden Girls’ – Gladys Ottewell, Barbara Smith and Doreen Muers – who all celebrated significant birthdays this year – health and happiness for the coming year.
We have been very fortunate this year to have been able to organise trips for everyone, these have all been very successful. We attended the Arthur Findlay College open day in May. This is always a popular event. It offers an opportunity to see a variety of top mediums demonstrating their spiritual gifts. There is also the chance to stroll in and explore the stunning grounds.
The trip to Harry Edwards famous healing sanctuary was a truly inspiring day. It included talks and demonstrations as well as the opportunity to receive healing. There was also a selection of beautiful spiritual gifts on sale. The peaceful energies within the centre and the lovely garden were an experience not to be missed.
A small group from the church were fortunate enough to attend a day at the home of the famous healer Stephen Turoff. Full details of this very special day are detailed in the Featured Article section of the Newsletter.
Forthcoming events
1st December is Christmas late night shopping in Hythe and the church will be open from 2.00pm to offer complimentary therapies, private readings and refreshments; including soup and rolls.
9th December – Christmas Fayre 12.30 pm – 4.00 pm we are offering private readings, complimentary therapies, spiritual gifts, refreshments and home-made cakes.
We are very privileged to have Janet Glasgow and her students with us at this event. The students will be available for private reading in the day and after the fayre we are delighted to host:
An evening of clairvoyance with Janet Glasgow and her students
6.30 pm start – cost £5.00
Complimentary Therapies
In these more modern times the church has considered how best to reach the community and open its doors to new ideas. With these considerations in mind we have recently introduced a range of complimentary therapies alongside the spiritual healing we already offer. The therapies have proved to be successful and popular and has encouraged new people to come to the church. Some have also joined our congregation at Sunday Service. We feel this is a valuable and an important addition to the services offered within our church.
The therapies consist of Hot Stone Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Foot massage and Hopi Ear Candles. Manicures and Pedicures are also available.
We offer taster sessions on Friday from 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm. The cost is £5.00 and £6.00 for Hopi Ear Candles. Please note these are now offered by appointment only.
Our therapists are all qualified and copies of their qualifications are available on request.
Grateful thanks are extended to Lynne who kindly donated the treatment couch to the church.
Sheila and Mary
Featured Article
Visit to Stephen Turoff
Our visit to see Stephen Turoff was an amazing day. He first made us all extremely welcome with cups of tea and coffee and his lovely home-made fruit scones. We all listened to him telling us of his life before healing and his love of God from when he was very young. There were lots of photos that various people had taken showing the white light surrounding him and within him when he was healing, which I found amazing. He arranged lunch for us being bread and homemade soup. He showed us around his beautiful gardens including a Zen garden. During the afternoon having carried on discussing healing and gave us various exercises to do i.e. clearing the aura and raising the vibrations before meditation. Time rushed by and we did not want to leave and he felt the same. But we were aware of the rush hour and traffic on a Friday, even so we left later than we expected to! I wrote an email to him, the next morning, thanking him for a wonderful day. He wrote back saying that he too had enjoyed the day and we were all welcome back again.
Our Divine Service is held every Sunday from 6.00 pm
with refreshments and healing available after service.
Grateful thanks go to our ‘musical director’ James who plays the organ at our service, to Doreen who has served our refreshments for many years and to Mary for donating cheese and biscuits for everyone to share after service.
We also offer regular clairvoyant evenings throughout the year with a range of mediums demonstrating their spiritual gifts. Details of these and all other events in the church can be found also on our FB page https://www.facebook.com/Hythe-Christian-Spiritualist-Church and website
Posters advertising these and all other events are displayed in our Church window, in Mount Street.
Sue and Sarah
Best wishes from the trustees and committee of Hythe Christian Spiritualist Church.
Come and join us a warm welcome awaits everyone.