February News

Welcome to 2015! We are sure you will take us all on another exciting journey with some challenges along the way, but with your trust and faith they can be overcome.

We had some very successful days/evenings in 2014. During the Harvest Festival we managed to raise £50 for the “Hythe Blind Club 40” – a big thanks for your help raising these funds.

We also raised £200 on the Fish & Chips Supper last summer, which was great fun! The funds raised helped towards the running costs and we will be doing another similar evening this year so watch this space!
Thank you also to Terry who fitted double glazing film upstairs to help keep us warm during our Sunday services in these winter months, much appreciated.
Also congratulations to Terry’s students for passing their 2 year Kent International Healing course – well done!
It is also a very special year for our little Church as it will be our 50th Anniversary on 19th April. What better way to celebrate than to have a party after our Sunday service with Terry Tasker. You are all invited so please do join us!

As you may know we do not receive any government funding so your help through your donations and help over the years has been vital to keeping our doors open.

If you would like to find out details about becoming an associate member of the church please ask Averil or Terry who would be happy to discuss with you. For those that still need to pay their membership this year please can you do so as soon as possible.

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