Summer 2015 News

We are having some superb sunny days this summer and so what better time to have had our Summer Bizarre a couple of weeks ago.
Thank you all who helped to make it a successful day. It was a fun packed day & again every donation goes towards keeping our beautiful Church open.
We have had some great evenings/days at our Church already, whether it be healing, developing your Mediumship or watching very gifted mediums
bring through some fantastic evidence. There was though one particular evening that I think you will all agree to be an important one, our…….

50th Anniversary
That evening brought so many of us together past & present, which gave us all an opportunity to hear the stories of how the Church began, what efforts it took to make it happen and how
the Church has affected so many of you on a personal note by sharing all your lovely memories with us. It really was a special evening!
Thank you all to everyone that came, the beautiful Flowers, Cake, nibbles and decorations you all brought along to make it the evening that it was, we truly are so lucky to have
so many special people that are willing to help and give up their time to keep our doors open which we are forever thankful for.
For those that missed the evening or if you would just like to listen back please click the link below.
Just one more thing to add, please like our Facebook page as this also keeps you updated with any changes or news and of course it is another great way of keeping in touch
with our Church’s events/news.

Here is a recording of the event – simply press play to listen:



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